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Alcohol Treatment in Orange County

You may be reluctant to seek help if you have an alcohol addiction problem. That’s normal. Our alcoholic clients often come to us with doubts about the effectiveness of the treatment, believing that there will be no understanding of their problems.


Our team has found that every individual and their addictions are unique, and many individuals with alcohol addictions find comfort in our awareness of their circumstances. There are many years of experience among the psychiatrists, counselors, therapists, and addiction specialists at our Orange County Drug and Alcohol Rehab. In their combined experience, they have encountered thousands of incomparable addiction conditions that have improved over time.

JRV Recovery Alcohol Rehab in Mission Viejo is among the best addiction treatment facilities in California. When you’re always minutes from the beautiful area that southern California has to offer, then you feel better each and every day. Give us a call to our expert admissions team or read more to see what our alcohol treatment in Orange County has to offer.

Girl in Therapy

                               Alcoholism: What is it?


The occasional consumption of alcohol is a socially acceptable pastime among many Americans. We typically do it in social settings among friends and family. In the United States, however, alcohol is a problematic habit for 14.4 million adults.

In the United States, approximately 7.6 percent of males and 4.1 percent of females age 18 or older suffer from alcohol use disorders (AUD), according to statistics by NSDUH.

Compulsions to drink alcohol, loss of alcohol control and alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) contribute to alcohol use disorder, commonly referred to as alcoholism.

There are at least 400,000 teenagers who have AUD. The number is increasing in colleges. Almost 10% of college students 18-22 reported heavy drinking. In the same population, over a third reported binge drinking.


 How Would I Know If I’m An Alcoholic?


It isn't always easy to tell the difference between casual drinking and problem drinking. It's easy to diagnose alcoholism if you can't control when or how much you drink.

You might be an alcoholic if you are prone to binge drinking or cannot have fun without drinking heavily. Alcoholism usually causes problems with family members and friends.


How is Alcoholism Treated?

You must stop drinking and start detoxing if you want to recover from alcohol abuse and alcoholism. The consequences of alcohol withdrawal syndrome caused when an alcoholic quits drinking can be very severe, even fatal, it is recommended that this step be done at a facility or in a hospital setting.

What is Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome?
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is the term that refers to the symptoms that arise when a heavy drinker stops drinking. The symptoms can often be so severe that hospitalization is necessary. They can also be physical and emotional.

Detoxification for alcohol dependence typically takes between three and seven days. Physical dependence lessens after this period.



Nevertheless, some damages may leave lasting signs on the body and brain; therefore, it is better to treat now rather than later



During the stages after detox, true rehabilitation and long-term recovery of alcoholism are achieved. Alcoholics have a wide range of options for treatment and therapies.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for addiction, and there is no universal cure.





There are at least a few of these symptoms associated with AWS and they begin within six hours to three days after drinking.

  • Feeling anxious

  • Feeling Confused

  • Fever and sweats

  • Hallucinating

  • Headache

  • Increased blood pressure

  • Increased heart rate

  • Irritability

  • Agitation

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Nightmares

  • Insomnia

  • Seizures

  • Tremors


Several Approaches to Treatment


Our Approach

"Inpatient and Outpatient..."

“We want clients to feel valued and seen in our program, giving them the ability and support to work through the underlying issues that led to their addiction so they can achieve a happy and healthy life.”

- Victoria Latino

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